Best way to save furniture in mysql for house decoration?

Originally Posted by RealCop228
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I'm here to help .. sort of!

I'm giving you special permission to PM me for any issues you have in the future relating to scripting. I have been working with MySQL for like 3-4 years now, I'm quite skilled in it for the most part. Especially since I've just written an evasive system for one of my servers that has quite a few interesting queries.
Woah thanks very much indeed bro! Yeah I've only been using MySQL for around about a year now... before I used dini (ugh) worse saving system to use nowadays in my own opinion, i'll definitely drop you a few questions in the nearby future! Thanks again

Messages In This Thread
Best way to save furniture in mysql for house decoration? - by LiamM - 03.05.2013, 07:15
Re: Best way to save furniture in mysql for house decoration? - by Scenario - 03.05.2013, 07:20
Re: Best way to save furniture in mysql for house decoration? - by LiamM - 03.05.2013, 07:28
Re: Best way to save furniture in mysql for house decoration? - by Scenario - 03.05.2013, 07:31
Re: Best way to save furniture in mysql for house decoration? - by LiamM - 03.05.2013, 07:43

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