mysql - store result.

I don't quite know why you're using mysql_store_result() 7 times. That's just utterly pointless. You should be doing a loop like while(mysql_fetch_row_format(string, "|")) and using sscanf to extract the data if you aren't using threaded queries (which I know you're not due to the functions you're using).

Switching to threaded queries makes everything 20x easier in my opinion, plus they're a bit faster since they have the caching function!

Messages In This Thread
mysql - store result. - by audriuxxx - 03.05.2013, 07:32
Re: mysql - store result. - by Scenario - 03.05.2013, 07:35
Re: mysql - store result. - by audriuxxx - 03.05.2013, 19:00
Re: mysql - store result. - by audriuxxx - 03.05.2013, 20:18
Re: mysql - store result. - by Tanush123 - 03.05.2013, 20:24
Re: mysql - store result. - by Vince - 03.05.2013, 20:33
Re: mysql - store result. - by audriuxxx - 04.05.2013, 08:45
Re: mysql - store result. - by Scenario - 04.05.2013, 13:59

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