truck job

yup, it's truck [ 0 ] to truck [ 4 ] (without spaces then, else the editor would flip). so 5 trucks. but it wont work, so i think there is a problem in this line:
for(new i; i<sizeof(truck); i++)

Messages In This Thread
truck job - by thuron - 16.03.2009, 20:37
Re: truck job - by Jack_Fox - 16.03.2009, 21:09
Re: truck job - by thuron - 17.03.2009, 08:18
Re: truck job - by Jack_Fox - 17.03.2009, 15:55
Re: truck job - by thuron - 17.03.2009, 16:33
Re: truck job - by Jack_Fox - 18.03.2009, 15:12

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