Loop applies on ID 0 only..?

My Payday works only on ID 0 for some reason,
public Payday()
    for(new i=0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
	    new Hour, Minute, Second;
	    gettime(Hour, Minute, Second);
		if(Minute >= 59 && Second >= 59)
      		if(PlayerStat[i][SecondsLoggedIn] < 100) return SendClientMessage(i, GREY, "You must be online for more then 100 seconds to get the paycheck.");
			SendClientMessage(i, WHITE, "----------------------------------------------------");
			SendClientMessage(i, WHITE, "                     Prison PayCheck                ");
			SendClientMessage(i, RED, "Prison Payday has arrived! Please use /paycheck to get your paycheck money.");
			SendClientMessage(i, WHITE, "----------------------------------------------------");
			PlayerStat[i][GotPaycheck] = 1;
 	return 1;

Messages In This Thread
Loop applies on ID 0 only..? - by Ceez - 28.04.2013, 11:26
Re: Loop applies on ID 0 only..? - by Vince - 28.04.2013, 11:28

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