[GameMode] Total TDM - Police vs terrorist

Originally Posted by jmh
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you just forgot the admin commands like kick, ban, mute, jail
Ahh, well this is a gamemode for people to edit and mess around with,
that is why i didn't add /kick and other admin commands, because it defeats
the point. I have made this so a less experienced players can grab this and
make a unique server in a limited amount of time, because an inexperienced
player doesn't want a login system, admin commands, or an anti cheat
scripted into the gamemode, unless it is a very good anticheat, admin system
this is because they would much rather use a pre-made admin system like
0admin, which comes with a login and anticheat.

Adding admin commands would just make players have to remove them, but
i have added /rduty because some admin systems don't have a on duty command
and so instead of the players having to go and make a on duty command, all they
have to do is use there admin system include to set the required admin level for
the onduty command.

This script is made for people to edit and use as a base, not for players to run as
there server gamemode how it is, you can if you want, but it wouldn't be a very
exiting server. This just helps players in creating a server.

Wait for 3.0, i should be adding more stuff, but still keeping it a base script!

Thanks for the feedback.

Messages In This Thread
Total TDM new download[version 3.0] - by punner - 27.03.2013, 19:08
Re: Total TDM - Police vs terrorist - by nGen.SoNNy - 28.03.2013, 17:59
Re: Total TDM - Police vs terrorist - by Ibrahim.E - 28.03.2013, 18:52
Re: Total TDM - Police vs terrorist - by iHaze. - 28.03.2013, 19:00
Re: Total TDM - Police vs terrorist - by Iron3man - 01.04.2013, 05:04
Re: Total TDM - Police vs terrorist - by MehranGta - 01.04.2013, 05:54
Re: Total TDM - Police vs terrorist - by punner - 27.04.2013, 09:51
Re: Total TDM - Police vs terrorist - by jmh - 27.04.2013, 17:10
Re: Total TDM - Police vs terrorist - by punner - 27.04.2013, 18:03
Re: Total TDM - Police vs terrorist - by iMTube™ - 27.04.2013, 18:12
Re: Total TDM - Police vs terrorist - by omribobi5 - 16.06.2013, 15:22
Re: Total TDM - Police vs terrorist - by punner - 29.06.2014, 13:41
Re: Total TDM - Police vs terrorist - by KayJ - 29.06.2014, 14:00
Re: Total TDM - Police vs terrorist - by cleanboy - 30.06.2014, 11:19
Re: Total TDM - Police vs terrorist - by punner - 30.06.2014, 14:09
Re: Total TDM - Police vs terrorist - by iHawks - 30.06.2014, 14:19
Re: Total TDM - Police vs terrorist - by Younes44 - 30.06.2014, 14:28
Re : Total TDM - Police vs terrorist - by FaMaS78 - 30.06.2014, 14:51
Re: Total TDM - Police vs terrorist - by finelaq - 01.07.2014, 13:45
Re: Total TDM - Police vs terrorist - by Rafiullah - 12.07.2014, 03:37
Re: Total TDM - Police vs terrorist - by MichealScript - 12.07.2014, 20:14
Re : Total TDM - Police vs terrorist - by Clad - 12.07.2014, 20:25
Re: Total TDM - Police vs terrorist - by nwy690 - 22.02.2015, 02:22
Re: Total TDM - Police vs terrorist - by nwy690 - 22.02.2015, 02:25
Re: Total TDM - Police vs terrorist - by hhaaoo123 - 22.02.2015, 03:10

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