Query input line too long and undefined symbol UPDATE

pawn Код:
[17:53:42] EID: 1064 | Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '%d, Pickup=%d, Ikalintas=%d, Bilietas=%d, Admin=%d, Uniformd=%d, Kills=%d, Liga=' at line 1 | Query: UPDATE playerdb SET Teises=%d, Pickup=%d, Ikalintas=%d, Bilietas=%d, Admin=%d, Uniformd=%d, Kills=%d, Liga=%d,LigosLygis=%d, Telefonas=%d, Checkpoint=%d, Banke=%d, Namuose=%d,Textas=%d, Narkotikai=%d, Specialybe=%d, KalejimoLaikas=%d, Draudimas=%d,Biznis=%d, Pcar=%d, Lytis=%d, Drabuziai=%d, Uniforma=%d, Mobsas=%d, PLead=%d, CBuilding=%d,Pinigai=%d, XP=%d, PosX='%f', PosY='%f',PosZ='%f', Interior=%d, WantedLevel=%d, VirtualWorld=%d, Ginklas0=%d, Ammo0=%d,Ginklas1=%d, Ammo1=%d, Ginklas2=%d, Ammo2=%d, Ginklas3=%d, Ammo3=%d, Ginklas4=%d, Ammo4=%d, Ginklas5=%d, Ammo5=%d, Ginklas6=%d, Ammo6=%d, Ginklas7=%d, Ammo7=%d, Ginklas8=%d, Ammo8=%d, Ginklas9=%d, Ammo9=%d, Ginklas10=%d, Ammo10=%d, Ginklas11=%d, Ammo11=%d, pgang=%d, glead=%d WHERE Username='%s',booltoint(playerDB[playerid][teises],booltoin
And I can't understand what's the problem... The problem is at the "Teises=%d", the field exists and is correct

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