26.04.2013, 20:40
It appears that the ToAdminsText is the string which contains the contents of the report. If you would like the player to receive a message with what he reported, just send the player a client message which includes that string. Something like this:
If you want help with admins sending messages, I will need to see the command that an admin uses to send the message. It will be somewhat similar to what I put above. See if the above can help you make the admin message change by yourself.
pawn Код:
new returnmessage[128]; // Optimize this array when you get the time.
format(returnmessage, sizeof(returnmessage), "You have sent the following report: %s", ToAdminsText);
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR, returnmessage); // Make sure to input the color of your choice.