Maths (Velocity)

I'm trying to make a thing that makes a player's vehicle face the center of SA (done - easy) and go towards it, with the same speed. I'm about 90% there, but I'm not an expert with velocity etc. and I'm trying to make the velocity the same speed as BEFORE the function was called.

Here's the mess I have so far:

pawn Код:
CMD:center(playerid, params[])
    new vehicleid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);

    // Make the vehicle face the center of SA
    new pAngle = SetPlayerLookAt(playerid, 0, 0);
    // Set velocity to go toward center of SA
    new Float:velX, Float:velY, Float:velZ;
    GetVehicleVelocity(vehicleid, velX, velY, velZ);
    new Float:vAngle = float(pAngle);
    new Float:total_lat_velocity = floatabs(velX) + floatabs(velY);
    // We need the same lateral velocity after (so as that the speed is the same).

    Debug_SCMFORMAT("Vel: %0.2f (X: %0.2f + Y: %0.2f)", total_lat_velocity, velX, velY);

    SetVehicleVelocity(vehicleid, floatsin(-pAngle, degrees) * total_lat_velocity, floatcos(-pAngle, degrees) * total_lat_velocity, velZ);
    return 1;
The thing is, now I think about it, I also need the Z velocity to be counted also. For example, if I'm in a Hydra flying STRAIGHT DOWN at 50 mph (example), when I type this command I want to be going towards the center of SA at 50 mph. The main thing I know is that the sum of the three velocities (x/y/z) must be the same BEFORE and AFTER, and the proportions will be different (due to changed angle).

I've tried many things, but haven't gotten very close. Help appreciated :<

Messages In This Thread
Maths (Velocity) - by MP2 - 25.04.2013, 17:54
Re: Maths (Velocity) - by Sithis - 25.04.2013, 17:59
Re: Maths (Velocity) - by MP2 - 25.04.2013, 18:03
Re: Maths (Velocity) - by Pottus - 25.04.2013, 18:11
Re: Maths (Velocity) - by MP2 - 25.04.2013, 18:37
Re: Maths (Velocity) - by Sithis - 25.04.2013, 18:59

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