Account not saving?

where do you have the onplayerdisconnect? In gamemode or in the filterscript? I had it in filterscript and it didn't work, it had no effect, as if it didnt even exist. I have also made a thread about my problem but nobody knew how to help.

Messages In This Thread
Account not saving? - by AmsterdamCopsAndRobbers - 24.04.2013, 13:54
Re: Account not saving? - by AmsterdamCopsAndRobbers - 24.04.2013, 14:21
Re: Account not saving? - by greentarch - 24.04.2013, 14:27
AW: Account not saving? - by HurtLocker - 24.04.2013, 14:36
Re: Account not saving? - by AmsterdamCopsAndRobbers - 24.04.2013, 15:01
Re: Account not saving? - by AmsterdamCopsAndRobbers - 25.04.2013, 17:49
Re: Account not saving? - by AmsterdamCopsAndRobbers - 26.04.2013, 13:29

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