Player stats not saving upon disconnect [y_ini]

Originally Posted by HurtLocker
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Anyway, replace onplayerdisconnect with onplayerupdate. This will consume more cpu but the true player's stats will be viewable at any minute.
That still gives me the login error, I register my account and log out, then re-connect and attempt to login and it gives me incorrect password.

File is printed as.

IP = 0
Banned = 0
PermaBanned = 0
Password = 0
Cash = 0
Admin = 0
Kills = 0
VIP = 0
Deaths = 0
Faction = 0
FacRank = 0
FacDiv = 0
Leader = 0
Job = 0
JobVIP = 0
OPrison = 0
IPrison = 0
Age = 43
Sex = 0
WantedLevel = 0
Pot = 0
Crack = 0
Helper = 0
CarLic = 0
FlyLic = 0
BoatLic = 0
Badged = 0


Messages In This Thread
Player stats not saving upon disconnect [y_ini] - by United001 - 20.04.2013, 08:53
Re: Player stats not saving upon disconnect [y_ini] - by HurtLocker - 20.04.2013, 08:58
Re: Player stats not saving upon disconnect [y_ini] - by United001 - 20.04.2013, 09:01
Re: Player stats not saving upon disconnect [y_ini] - by HurtLocker - 20.04.2013, 09:06
Re: Player stats not saving upon disconnect [y_ini] - by United001 - 20.04.2013, 09:12
Re: Player stats not saving upon disconnect [y_ini] - by HurtLocker - 20.04.2013, 09:20

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