Detect if a players moved since /fix

If you want them to stay at one spot, you could just TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, false);.
edit: But I assume that's not what you want. You can get the player's current position as he uses the command, and then define a timer that checks eg. every second, if it's not equal to his initial position, you cancel the command.

Messages In This Thread
Detect if a players moved since /fix - by DobbysGamertag - 20.04.2013, 01:00
Re: Detect if a players moved since /fix - by BigGroter - 20.04.2013, 01:05
Re: Detect if a players moved since /fix - by DobbysGamertag - 20.04.2013, 01:17
Re: Detect if a players moved since /fix - by BigGroter - 20.04.2013, 01:23

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