None stop hackers please suggest some thing

Originally Posted by toXioneer
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You are dealing with low life kids my friend...

Looks at his IP, and choose few letters from it, block those letters. Once we had problem with kids like this and this is how we solved it actually, he had same few numbers in his changed IPs...
Sorry for going off-topic guys..., but that image reminds me "firecat", he "hacked his own ********"[for what the people told me..]
For what i know he is the "computer nerd" at his school, so, his friends asked him to "hack" an ******** account, so what had he done? created another ******** account, and then "hacked" it.
I really can't say too much related to it, but it's what i heard.

@Geeboi_Mehdi, if he "restart" the network connection on his router, an new ip will be given to it, and it does take like, 3 seconds to do the change?

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