Auto Gates script problem

Copy, and replace this line with the following code.

pawn Код:
enum GateInfo {gateid, Float:closedx, Float:closedy, Float:closedz, Float:rotx, Float:roty, Float:rotz, Float:openx, Float:openy, Float:openz, command[50], gatemodel};
Also, close your array.

Messages In This Thread
Auto Gates script problem - by RCS - 19.04.2013, 19:15
Re: Auto Gates script problem - by RCS - 19.04.2013, 20:01
Re: Auto Gates script problem - by MattyG - 19.04.2013, 20:40
Re: Auto Gates script problem - by zDivine - 19.04.2013, 20:41
Re: Auto Gates script problem - by RCS - 20.04.2013, 11:51

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