Reputation System[Suggestion]

Hello, as the name suggests it's about the reputation system.
Yesterday I posted my SAMP Server AD with 16 reps and after like 2 hours i got -repped to 10. I'm not complaining but there are some criminal minds in these forums they just want others to get -repped and their server to fail.
Earning a rep requires a lot of efforts but-rep can be done withing secs. Moreover the reason I got =repped was 'I trolled you' the I was like 'wtf?' So my suggestion is that a player below 15 reps cannot be -repped.

This is like somehelp for those who post AD if the suggestion wont be used.
When u post a Server AD just take a SS of it
To take a screen shot follow simple steps:
First go to ur Server AD thread.
At the top of ur thread where ur Info is visible (like ur posts,locations, rep,etc.) press the 'PRTSC' button on ur keyboard
Open Start>> Click Run>> Type mspaint and hit enter
When the MSPaint opens press Ctrl+V. It will show the pic tht u have SSed
Click file save as then save it as an image (with .png or something)

I hope my suggestion would be used so it won't be problem to owners and other ppl. Yeah and do post what you think

Thanks in Advance,
Rohan Ubhare

Messages In This Thread
Reputation System[Suggestion] - by Rohan_Ubhare - 19.04.2013, 15:27
Re: Reputation System[Suggestion] - by Rohan_Ubhare - 19.04.2013, 15:41
Re: Reputation System[Suggestion] - by thefatshizms - 19.04.2013, 15:43
Re: Reputation System[Suggestion] - by Vince - 19.04.2013, 15:49
Re: Reputation System[Suggestion] - by cagaming - 20.04.2013, 20:23
Re: Reputation System[Suggestion] - by ColorHost-Kevin - 20.04.2013, 22:20
Re: Reputation System[Suggestion] - by Emmet_ - 20.04.2013, 23:13
Re: Reputation System[Suggestion] - by Ryan_Bowe - 20.04.2013, 23:55
Re: Reputation System[Suggestion] - by Coltmaster - 21.04.2013, 02:03
Re: Reputation System[Suggestion] - by thefatshizms - 21.04.2013, 12:13

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