15.04.2013, 22:54
Everyone, even big media, calls it a terror attack, though there isnt any evidence for it. I rather doubt that this was the usual "moslem terror". Bombs at the marathon finish. Why? Surely not to cause maximum damage, because there are tons of events and places where the same bombs would have caused way bigger damage (not saying that this isnt a sad and shocking event, i feel with all victims). Its rather because the finish is filmed by dozens of people and is live on TV. The aim was probably to spread the news immediatelly. The internet will be full of terrible and distrurbing images within hours, so whoever did this (or who is told to have done it) will earn hate by millions of people, and whoever did this surely knew and aimed for that.
That would be really unusual for a terror attack, so I highly doubt it was one.
That would be really unusual for a terror attack, so I highly doubt it was one.