Protecting personal works

Originally Posted by ******
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No, because you still copied parts! It is only automatic on things you yourself created, you didn't create that.
But I created that Dumbledore didn't die, that's my part, so should I be allowed to copyright that? With your theory I could pick up any book, edit my "part" in and it will be automatically copyrighted. Or any other persons work/art for that matter. I could pick up the Mona Lisa, give her a nice bushy mustache and call that "part" my own.

It's the same for SA-MP/GTA SA. Harry Potter is owned by Warner Bro's/J.K Rowling/Whoever. San Andreas is basically a book, why are people allowed to add in what they want and call that "part" their own? They can't, unless it's 100% your own created content or with the permission of the original creator/s.

Messages In This Thread
Protecting personal works - by DiGiTaL_AnGeL - 12.04.2013, 15:26
Re: Protecting personal works - by KingHual - 12.04.2013, 15:29
Re: Protecting personal works - by V1ceC1ty - 12.04.2013, 15:34
Re: Protecting personal works - by KingHual - 12.04.2013, 15:39
Re: Protecting personal works - by SchurmanCQC - 12.04.2013, 15:44
Re: Protecting personal works - by V1ceC1ty - 12.04.2013, 15:49
Re: Protecting personal works - by V1ceC1ty - 12.04.2013, 16:29
Re: Protecting personal works - by thefatshizms - 12.04.2013, 16:31
Re: Protecting personal works - by V1ceC1ty - 12.04.2013, 16:35
Re: Protecting personal works - by RajatPawar - 12.04.2013, 17:27

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