
Hey i need help with script. i want make somthing like roads show in minimap and for that i want to use gangzone. But i gant use xtreem maper or gangzone creator becouse it cant draw it out of map boundries and accurately. So i want use this script.

new gangzone;

public OnGameModeInit()
gangzone = GangZoneCreate(1248.011, 2072.804, 1439.348, 2204.319);
return 1;

public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
if(IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) GangZoneShowForAll(gangzone,COLOR_RED);
return 1;

so who cnows how to get coordinates of minx The X coordinate for the west side of the gangzone.
miny The Y coordinate for the south side of the gangzone.
maxx The X coordinate for the east side of the gangzone.
maxy The Y coordinate for the north side of the gangzone.

Messages In This Thread
gangzone - by livests - 12.04.2013, 09:16
Re: gangzone - by Ballu Miaa - 12.04.2013, 09:31
Re: gangzone - by livests - 12.04.2013, 09:35
Re: gangzone - by MP2 - 12.04.2013, 13:04
Re: gangzone - by Faisal_khan - 12.04.2013, 13:25
Re: gangzone - by livests - 12.04.2013, 15:06

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