Problem with textdraw

I just added this textdraw, but the issue is that when I added it all textdraws starts to dissapear (all selectable ones just dissapear)

        //top with the rest
        new Text:Radio;

        //Fs init
  	Radio = TextDrawCreate(111.000000, 390.000000, "Radio");
	TextDrawBackgroundColor(Radio, 255);
	TextDrawFont(Radio, 1);
	TextDrawLetterSize(Radio, 0.500000, 1.399999);
	TextDrawColor(Radio, -1);
	TextDrawSetOutline(Radio, 0);
	TextDrawSetProportional(Radio, 1);
	TextDrawSetShadow(Radio, 1);
	TextDrawSetSelectable(Radio, true);
   	TextDrawTextSize(Radio, 115.000000, 405.000000);

        //fs exit

       //Click textdraw
       if(clickedid == Radio)
		    new string[256];
	        strcat(string, "Rap\nRock\nMetal\nCountry\nPop\nDance\nTrance\nElectronic\nReggae\nRnB");
	        strcat(string, "\nChillout\nJazz\nDubstep");
        	ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, P_RADIO, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"MP3 Player.",string,"Play","Exit");
        	return 1;

      //Public UCP
      PlayerTextDrawSetSelectable(playerid, PlayerText:Radio, 1);
      TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, Radio);
      SelectTextDraw(playerid, 0x00FF00FF);
The issue is that when u acess the UCP instead of showing the textdraws, it doesnt show them at all.
Before I added the radio txd it worked perfectly.

Messages In This Thread
Problem with textdraw - by Pawnie - 12.04.2013, 02:20
Re: Problem with textdraw - by Pawnie - 12.04.2013, 03:05
Re: Problem with textdraw - by Pottus - 12.04.2013, 03:28
Re: Problem with textdraw - by Pawnie - 12.04.2013, 19:59
Re: Problem with textdraw - by Pawnie - 13.04.2013, 01:54
Re: Problem with textdraw - by Pottus - 13.04.2013, 02:09
Re: Problem with textdraw - by Pawnie - 14.04.2013, 02:03

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