
If you're not familar with what I mean by 'anti-lag', here's a brief thing:

Because of lag, you have to 'lead' the player you're shooting at, which sucks. Lag compensation would be awesome, but Kye has stated that he tried to add this and it didn't work great, and I can't see it being added any time soon. What he did do which is really awesome though, is add the callback 'OnPlayerGiveDamage'. This callback is fired when YOU damage a player, not when THEY take the damage, which means lag/latency is completely gone.

This may seem like the most awesome thing ever, unfortunately, with most things in life, if it sound too good to be true.......

1. Cheating

Kye has said this himself. I can't find the post (it may be gone now) but he basically said that it may be possible to hack it so you can 'fake' damage being given, as the client reports this to the server.

2. Controllers/Joypads can Auto-Aim/Lock-On

Joypads/controllers (as you may know) can auto-aim or 'lock-on' to targets and EVERY shot will hit. This is obviously a massive advantage. The only slight thing is, that it can happen in reverse. If a player with a mouse aims NEAR a player that is using a joypad, the joypad user will see that the mouse user, even though not aiming directly at the player, is locked on, and it's very hard to escape this. They will take all the damage, even if the mouse user never actually hits them on their screen.

What's your opinion on this? I REALLY want to use anti-lag on my server, but these two things are making it seem a less and less viable option.

Messages In This Thread
Anti-Lag - by MP2 - 10.04.2013, 22:55
Re: Anti-Lag - by Pottus - 10.04.2013, 23:16
Re: Anti-Lag - by MP2 - 11.04.2013, 08:04
Re: Anti-Lag - by cessil - 11.04.2013, 08:55
Re: Anti-Lag - by MP2 - 11.04.2013, 09:25
Re: Anti-Lag - by Gamer_Z - 11.04.2013, 10:30
Re: Anti-Lag - by Pottus - 11.04.2013, 10:58
Re: Anti-Lag - by 2KY - 12.04.2013, 00:35
Re: Anti-Lag - by [ABK]Antonio - 12.04.2013, 00:51
Re: Anti-Lag - by wups - 12.04.2013, 15:49
Re: Anti-Lag - by MP2 - 12.04.2013, 15:55
Re: Anti-Lag - by Maxips2 - 12.04.2013, 17:21
Re: Anti-Lag - by Pottus - 12.04.2013, 18:09
Re: Anti-Lag - by MP2 - 12.04.2013, 18:50
Re: Anti-Lag - by cessil - 12.04.2013, 19:15
Re: Anti-Lag - by Maxips2 - 13.04.2013, 10:01
Re: Anti-Lag - by MP2 - 13.04.2013, 20:08
Re : Anti-Lag - by HitnKill - 17.04.2013, 22:30
Re: Anti-Lag - by RedFusion - 19.04.2013, 11:17
Re : Anti-Lag - by HitnKill - 19.04.2013, 12:52

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