Bottle Pickup [REP ++]

Make an invisible pickup at the same location of your bottle object. That will make your bottle a pickup.

Messages In This Thread
Bottle Pickup [REP ++] - by ScripteRMKD - 08.04.2013, 13:23
Re: Bottle Pickup [REP ++] - by Sithis - 08.04.2013, 13:29
Re: Bottle Pickup [REP ++] - by ScripteRMKD - 08.04.2013, 13:44
Re: Bottle Pickup [REP ++] - by ScripteRMKD - 08.04.2013, 13:52
Re: Bottle Pickup [REP ++] - by Sithis - 08.04.2013, 13:57
Re: Bottle Pickup [REP ++] - by ScripteRMKD - 08.04.2013, 14:02

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