Cant understand that forums...

Originally Posted by yaron0600
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Extacly what did u say , I'm complaiting about that the maps with 4 objects get more replies no views! ! !
you can't replay on something before you see it (wich mean you view it )

Originally Posted by Famous.
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Probably spammers,or they were asked to. Yeah it is sometimes kinda sad, that your Maps like with 100+ or 1000+ objects doesn't get many views and replies. Even if you had put and spent alot of hard work time on it.
- some people only spam (nice , cool , good job ...... ) just to increase there post coun (talking about " 4 object map")
+ there is small maps that look better then maps wich more object ; everything depend on how great map is made
* last thing to say is that size (how many objects are used) does not mean everything ; you are looking how great and unique map is !

Messages In This Thread
Cant understand that forums... - by yaron0600 - 08.04.2013, 11:09
Re: Cant understand that forums... - by Lуs - 08.04.2013, 11:16
Re: Cant understand that forums... - by yaron0600 - 08.04.2013, 11:26
Re: Cant understand that forums... - by Erwin. - 08.04.2013, 11:27
Re: Cant understand that forums... - by doreto - 08.04.2013, 11:30
Re: Cant understand that forums... - by Ash. - 08.04.2013, 11:40
Re: Cant understand that forums... - by Private200 - 08.04.2013, 11:49
Re: Cant understand that forums... - by Ash. - 08.04.2013, 11:54
Re: Cant understand that forums... - by Private200 - 08.04.2013, 11:58
Re: Cant understand that forums... - by Ash. - 08.04.2013, 12:18

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