06.04.2013, 14:52
UPDATE 06/04/2013: v2.0. This library contains a new stock: DateToTimestamp. I will explain this as well.
You could compare this with strtotime/mktime in PHP. The only parameter is a string, which is the date that should be converted to a timestamp. It should be in the following format: 06.04.2013. The "." here is the splitter. It can be changed to any character you wish (as long as you don't use numeric characters, it will probably work). It should be changed by redefining "#SPLITTER" after including this library.
pawn Код:
stock DateToTimestamp(str[11])
pawn Код:
new hello = DateToTimestamp("06.10.2013"); // 'hello' now contains 1381104000, which is correct for that day.