
Hello, i've have an question the question is that the 3d Text Label lag, when Players or i near it, here is the Code:

	foreach(Player,i) SetPlayerCheckpoint(i,Map[CPx],Map[CPy],Map[CPz],6.0);
	    for(new i=0;i<MAX_PLAYERS;i++)
    evac[i] = Create3DTextLabel("Evacuation Point", 0xCCFF99FF,Map[CPx],Map[CPy],Map[CPz], 40.0, 0, 0);
Why is that so? How to fix it?

Messages In This Thread
Create3DTextLabel - by Blackazur - 05.04.2013, 19:46
Re: Create3DTextLabel - by Scenario - 05.04.2013, 19:49
Re: Create3DTextLabel - by L.Hudson - 05.04.2013, 19:49
AW: Re: Create3DTextLabel - by Blackazur - 05.04.2013, 19:51
Re: Create3DTextLabel - by Scenario - 05.04.2013, 20:03

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