/ajail help.

Okay, so I'd like an /ajail command that is usable by level 1 administrators in my server.

USAGE: /ajail [playerid] [time] [reason]

I have tried to do this, but it doesn't seem to work. I would also like them to teleport to these co-ordinates when I type it:


A also need an /arelease [playerid] which will teleport them to Unity Station.

Messages In This Thread
/ajail help. - by SilencedPistol - 04.04.2013, 19:10
Re: /ajail help. - by EliteApple - 04.04.2013, 19:22
Re: /ajail help. - by SilencedPistol - 04.04.2013, 19:26
Re: /ajail help. - by EliteApple - 04.04.2013, 19:31
Re: /ajail help. - by SilencedPistol - 04.04.2013, 19:36
Re: /ajail help. - by EliteApple - 04.04.2013, 19:39
Re: /ajail help. - by BigGroter - 04.04.2013, 20:10
Re: /ajail help. - by Face9000 - 04.04.2013, 22:48

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