errors in my script

You probably don't have the include in the /pawno/includes folder.
I am guessing this is Y_INI. Download (if you don't already have it((search))) it and extract the include files in the /pawno/includes folder.

Messages In This Thread
errors in my script - by Jack_Ryder - 04.04.2013, 10:55
Re: errors in my script - by emokidx - 04.04.2013, 10:56
Re: errors in my script - by Jack_Ryder - 04.04.2013, 11:05
AW: errors in my script - by [AK]Nazgul - 04.04.2013, 11:08
Re: errors in my script - by Gamer_007 - 04.04.2013, 11:09

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