01.04.2013, 16:03
It didn't work, I made it like this:
Also, here are the includes:
Any help?
if(!strcmp(cmd,"/goto",true)) { // if player is not authorized, return error if(!(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] & ADMIN_TELEPORT)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD2, "You are not authorized to use this command."); // process command tmp = strtok(cmdtext, idx); // if no param entered, send help if(!strlen(tmp)) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_FADE1,"USAGE: /goto [player] OR /goto [area]"); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_FADE1,"AREAS: lsair sfair lvair lspd club newbie mafia yakuza grove ballas vagos news pier beach church"); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_FADE1,"AREAS: skyscraper carrier chiliad area51 airstrip ship bayside ranch quarry dish dam bank"); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_FADE1,"AREAS: nuke underwater jet battlefield 8track kickstart dirtbike bloodbowl warehouse banland"); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_FADE1,"AREAS: aget, bget, cget, adrop, bdrop, cdrop"); return 1; } // create variables new p=1, Float:a = GetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid,a), destination[64] = " ", // container holds the name of the destination lookupid = ReturnUser(tmp); // if passenger or in tank leave vehicle behind if(GetPlayerState(playerid) == PLAYER_STATE_PASSENGER) p=0; // if destination is a valid playerid if(lookupid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID) { // if lookupid is not playerid if(lookupid != playerid) { // if lookupid isn't logged in, return error if(!gPlayerLogged[lookupid]) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD2,"That player hasn't spawned yet."); if(GetPlayerState(lookupid) == PLAYER_STATE_SPECTATING) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD2,"That player is spectating someone."); } // create variables new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, i = GetPlayerInterior(lookupid), v = GetPlayerVirtualWorld(lookupid); // if lookupid is in a vehicle if(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(lookupid)) { // get vehicle angle GetVehicleZAngle(GetPlayerVehicleID(lookupid),a); // else } else { // get facing angle GetPlayerFacingAngle(lookupid,a); } // store lookupid's location GetPlayerPos(lookupid,x,y,z); // teleport playerid to lookupid Teleport(playerid,x,y,z+3,a,i,v,p); // set destination to lookupid's name destination = Name(lookupid); } // else a normal destination else if(!strcmp(tmp,"lspd",true)) { // set destination's name destination = "Los Santos Police Department"; // teleport player Teleport(playerid,1529.6,-1691.2,13.3,a,0,0,p); return 1; } else if(!strcmp(tmp,"lsair",true)) { destination = "Los Santos Airport"; Teleport(playerid,1934.9127,-2290.6362,13.5469,a,0,0,p); return 1; } else if(!strcmp(tmp,"sfair",true)) { destination = "San Fierro Airport"; Teleport(playerid,-1417.0,-295.8,14.1,a,0,0,p); return 1; } else if(!strcmp(tmp,"lvair",true)) { destination = "Las Venturas Airport"; Teleport(playerid,1699.2,1435.1, 10.7,a,0,0,p); return 1; } else if(!strcmp(tmp,"club",true)) { destination = "Shootas Club"; Teleport(playerid,1822.3951,-1139.0569,24.0781,358.9008,0,0,p); return 1; } else if(!strcmp(tmp,"jet",true)) { destination = "private jet"; Teleport(playerid,1.71875, 30.4062, 1200.34,a,1,0,0); return 1; } else if (!strcmp(tmp,"church", true)) { destination = "the wedding chapel"; Teleport(playerid,-1948.6251,1117.9003,52.3231,88.6874,0,0,p); return 1; } else if (!strcmp(tmp,"carrier",true)) { destination = "the Carrier"; Teleport(playerid,-1378.0769,509.3226,18.2344,270.9427,0,0,p); return 1; } else if (!strcmp(tmp,"chiliad",true)) { destination = "Mt. Chiliad"; Teleport(playerid,-2317.5325,-1644.9664,483.7031,a,0,0,p); return 1; } else if (!strcmp(tmp,"area51",true)) { destination = "Area 51"; Teleport(playerid,202.1886,1881.4122,17.2199,37.8779,0,0,p); return 1; } else if (!strcmp(tmp,"airstrip",true)) { destination = "Desert Airstrip"; Teleport(playerid,357.5273,2513.8701,16.5856,a,0,0,p); return 1; } else if (!strcmp(tmp,"skyscraper",true) || !strcmp(tmp,"sky",true)) // shortcut 'sky' { destination = "the Skyscraper"; Teleport(playerid,1543.9886,-1353.7587,329.4735,a,0,0,p); return 1; } else if (!strcmp(tmp,"ship",true)) { destination = "the SS Apple Day"; Teleport(playerid,-1421.4941,1489.9808,11.8084,a,0,0,p); return 1; } else if (!strcmp(tmp,"bayside",true)) { destination = "Bayside Heliport"; Teleport(playerid,-2252.2944,2335.5396,4.8125,a,0,0,p); return 1; } else if (!strcmp(tmp,"underwater",true) || !strcmp(tmp,"under",true)) // shortcut 'under' { destination = "under the sea"; Teleport(playerid,-1005.3044,657.4559,-39.0847,a,0,0,p); return 1; } else if (!strcmp(tmp,"mafia",true)) { destination = "Mafia Mansion"; Teleport(playerid,1279.2399,-829.3275,83.1406,321.3458,0,0,p); return 1; } else if (!strcmp(tmp,"yakuza",true) || !strcmp(tmp,"yak",true)) //shortcut 'yak' { destination = "Yakuza Teahouse"; Teleport(playerid,661.6363,-1296.6138,13.4609,323.4232,0,0,p); return 1; } else if (!strcmp(tmp,"ballas",true)) { destination = "Pig Pen"; Teleport(playerid,2401.6692,-1236.7529,28.3682,333.6783,0,0,p); return 1; } else if (!strcmp(tmp,"vagos",true)) { destination = "Vagos HQ"; Teleport(playerid,1702.0574,-2112.0710,13.3828,269.8425,0,0,p); return 1; } else if (!strcmp(tmp,"bank",true)) { destination = "The Bank"; Teleport(playerid,1462.395751,-1016.391174,25.84375,a,0,0,p); return 1; } else if (!strcmp(tmp,"newbie",true)) { destination = "the newbie spawn"; Teleport(playerid,2336.9832,-1244.5867,22.5000,317.1679,0,0,p); return 1; } else if (!strcmp(tmp,"news",true)) { destination = "news hq"; Teleport(playerid,770.2726,-1355.4922,13.5313,a,0,0,p); return 1; } else if (!strcmp(tmp,"pier",true)) { destination = "the fishing pier"; Teleport(playerid,364.9920,-2059.7288,15.3990,a,0,0,p); return 1; } else if (!strcmp(tmp,"beach",true)) { destination = "the beach"; Teleport(playerid,527.8424,-1877.7457,3.4489,10.4223,0,0,p); return 1; } else if (!strcmp(tmp,"battlefield",true) || !strcmp(tmp,"battle",true)) // shortcut 'battle' { destination = "the battlefield"; Teleport(playerid,-972.4957,1060.9830,1345.6690,a,10,0,p); return 1; } else if (!strcmp(tmp,"grove",true)) { destination = "Grove Street"; Teleport(playerid,2484.8123,-1666.4738,13.0507,a,0,0,p); return 1; } else if (!strcmp(tmp,"secret",true)) { destination = "a secret place"; Teleport(playerid,964.1070,-53.2055,1001.1246,90.0000,3,0,0); return 1; } else if (!strcmp(tmp,"nuke",true)) { destination = "the Nuclear Plant"; Teleport(playerid,2619.8958,2721.2993,36.7161,a,0,0,p); return 1; } else if (!strcmp(tmp,"dish",true)) { destination = "the Big Ear"; Teleport(playerid,-296.0000,1558.0000,75.0000,a,0,0,p); return 1; } else if (!strcmp(tmp,"dam",true)) { destination = "the Sherman Dam"; Teleport(playerid,-715.0000,2062.0000,60.0000,a,0,0,p); return 1; } else if (!strcmp(tmp,"ranch",true)) { destination = "Toreno's Ranch"; Teleport(playerid,-706.4330,958.1264,12.4384,a,0,0,p); return 1; } else if (!strcmp(tmp,"bloodbowl",true)) { destination = "Bloodbowl Arena"; Teleport(playerid,-1394.5928,996.4797,1033.8864,a,15,0,p); return 1; } else if (!strcmp(tmp,"8track",true)) { destination = "8-Track Stadium"; Teleport(playerid,-1406.3815,-262.7644,1043.4290,346.8336,7,0,p); return 1; } else if (!strcmp(tmp,"dirtbike",true)) { destination = "Dirtbike Stadium"; Teleport(playerid,-1436.2065,-642.5217,1049.5261,167.3703,4,0,p); return 1; } else if (!strcmp(tmp,"kickstart",true)) { destination = "Kickstart Stadium"; Teleport(playerid,-1447.2618,1604.3374,1052.5220,263.7223,14,0,p); return 1; } else if (!strcmp(tmp,"quarry",true)) { destination = "Hunter Quarry"; Teleport(playerid,609.8776,867.3369,-42.2692,a,0,0,p); return 1; } else if (!strcmp(tmp,"warehouse",true)) { destination = "a warehouse"; Teleport(playerid,1391.8862,-15.8305,1000.9191,a,1,0,p); return 1; } else if (!strcmp(tmp,"banland",true)) { destination = "land of the banned"; Teleport(playerid,959.0000,2142.0000,1012.0000,a,1,W_BANLAND,p); return 1; } else if(!strcmp(tmp,"aget",true)) { destination = "materials a pickup"; Teleport(playerid,1410.5122,-1305.5426,9.4026,a,0,0,p); return 1; } else if(!strcmp(tmp,"bget",true)) { destination = "materials b pickup"; Teleport(playerid,1514.9232,-1233.8477,16.3352,a,0,0,p); return 1; } else if(!strcmp(tmp,"cget",true)) { destination = "materials c pickup"; Teleport(playerid,2605.7820,-1471.1837,16.8738,a,0,0,p); return 1; } else if(!strcmp(tmp,"adrop",true)) { destination = "materials a dropoff"; Teleport(playerid,290.0343,-1502.6106,25.0424,a,0,0,p); return 1; } else if(!strcmp(tmp,"bdrop",true)) { destination = "materials b dropoff"; Teleport(playerid,1684.0968,-2286.3921,-1.1248,a,0,0,p); return 1; } else if(!strcmp(tmp,"cdrop",true)) { destination = "materials c dropoff"; Teleport(playerid,-90.4062,-1576.7843,2.7315,a,0,0,p); return 1; } else if(!strcmp(tmp,"taxi",true)) { destination = "taxi"; Teleport(playerid,1520,-1471,10,270,0,0,p); return 1; } else { return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_FADE1,"Invalid destination."); } // format string and send to player format(string, sizeof(string),"Teleporting to %s",destination); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD2,string); return 1; }
#include <a_samp> // base sa:mp library #include <F_Streamer> #include <erpPickupStreamer>