Interpolate Camera question

Do TogglePlayerSpectating(playerid, 1); (not needed), then call a timer for the first shot, in the timer call another timer and etc then in the final timer (shot 4) use The Interpolate CameraPos / Look at, and TogglePlayerSpectating(playerid, 0); (not also needed), this should work as it did for me.

Messages In This Thread
Interpolate Camera question - by FalconeX - 31.03.2013, 11:01
Re: Interpolate Camera question - by SilverKiller - 31.03.2013, 11:37
Re: Interpolate Camera question - by Threshold - 31.03.2013, 11:49
Re: Interpolate Camera question - by MP2 - 31.03.2013, 13:27

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