Team Count Txtdraw

How do I make a textdraw to show the count of the players on each team? I have this:
pawn Код:
For when they spawn and I have it check to see what team they are when they leave and i do bluecount--; or the opposite OnPlayerDisconnect.

How will I make that a value to add on textdraws? I would like it to say:

TEAMS: 3 / 4

Say there are 3 blue team members and 4 red team members.

Will it be like this:

"TEAMS: %s / %s", bluecount, redcount

I did this but they never showed up. Should I start off by putting ongamemodeinit bluecount = 0; and redcount=0;?

Messages In This Thread
Team Count Txtdraw - by (_AcE_) - 31.03.2013, 05:57
Re: Team Count Txtdraw - by Pottus - 31.03.2013, 06:05
Re: Team Count Txtdraw - by (_AcE_) - 31.03.2013, 06:16
Re: Team Count Txtdraw - by Pottus - 31.03.2013, 06:26
Re: Team Count Txtdraw - by (_AcE_) - 31.03.2013, 06:31
Re: Team Count Txtdraw - by Neil. - 31.03.2013, 06:35

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