Help me with 1 code

Hi.I want when the time in game is 18:00 in the game to get dark and when the time becomes 6:00 in game to get bright.Sorry but my english sux...

My code to here:

pawn Код:
forward WeatherTime();
public WeatherTime()
    gettime(hour, minute);
    if( hour == 18 )
    else if( hour == 19)

Messages In This Thread
Help me with 1 code - by MrTinder - 30.03.2013, 13:13
Re: Help me with 1 code - by MrTinder - 30.03.2013, 14:18
Re: Help me with 1 code - by RajatPawar - 30.03.2013, 14:23
Re: Help me with 1 code - by MrTinder - 30.03.2013, 14:24

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