problem with CreatePlayer3DTextlabel

label = CreatePlayer3DTextLabel(playerid,"Test",PURPLE,x,y ,z,0,0);

You need
DrawDistance	The distance from where you are able to see the 3D Text Label
VirtualWorld	The virtual world in which you are able to see the 3D Text
testLOS	0/1 Test the line-of-sight so this text can't be seen through objects
Create3DTextLabel("Test", 0x008080FF, x, y, z, 40.0, 0, 0);
also why arent you using
if(teststate == 0)

Messages In This Thread
problem with CreatePlayer3DTextlabel[Solved] - by horsemeat - 28.03.2013, 21:43
Re: problem with CreatePlayer3DTextlabel - by Pawnie - 28.03.2013, 21:45
Re: problem with CreatePlayer3DTextlabel - by horsemeat - 28.03.2013, 21:50
Re: problem with CreatePlayer3DTextlabel - by Pawnie - 28.03.2013, 21:52
Re: problem with CreatePlayer3DTextlabel - by horsemeat - 28.03.2013, 21:53
Re: problem with CreatePlayer3DTextlabel - by horsemeat - 28.03.2013, 22:22

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