Dialog IDs

Not sure what to title this.

I have two scripts; a gamemode and a filterscript.
I show a dialog in the GM - dialog ID 9 - both scripts call OnDialogResponse with dialogid 9.
I show a dialog in the FS with ID 999 - the GM calls OnDialogResponse with dialog id 9 again, but the FS calls it correctly with ID 999.
If I just (after a restart) show the FS dialog, the GM reports dialog ID as -1 and the FS 999.
Also, returning 1 in the FS callback doesn't stop the GM callback being called. I assumed it would, as with OnPlayer(Command)Text but no.

I am using YSI, but haven't explicitly included y_dialog, and including it in both didn't resolve the issue.

Any help is appreciated.

Messages In This Thread
Dialog IDs - by MP2 - 28.03.2013, 16:46
Re: Dialog IDs - by Jeffry - 28.03.2013, 18:06
Re: Dialog IDs - by MP2 - 28.03.2013, 18:18
Re: Dialog IDs - by MP2 - 29.03.2013, 15:34

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