[SIMPLE] GangZoneCreate


Hello, I have a question. I don`t understeand how to createa a gang zone...I mean I have this code for example
AddPlayerClass(281,2441.3367,-1722.2761,15.7118,88.8184,0,0,0,0,0,0); // 
AddPlayerClass(281,2443.4976,-1629.8881,13.3922,98.1546,0,0,0,0,0,0); // 
AddPlayerClass(281,2540.0388,-1628.9197,13.4244,36.3849,0,0,0,0,0,0); // 
AddPlayerClass(281,2540.1575,-1720.3130,13.5431,197.4644,0,0,0,0,0,0); //
And what I need to take of this to make the gangzone?

P.S: I already saw THIS


Messages In This Thread
[SIMPLE] GangZoneCreate - by PabloDiCostanzo - 27.03.2013, 23:11
Re: [SIMPLE] GangZoneCreate - by MP2 - 27.03.2013, 23:39
Respuesta: [SIMPLE] GangZoneCreate - by PabloDiCostanzo - 28.03.2013, 01:01
Respuesta: [SIMPLE] GangZoneCreate - by PabloDiCostanzo - 28.03.2013, 13:59
Re: [SIMPLE] GangZoneCreate - by dominik523 - 28.03.2013, 14:13
Re: [SIMPLE] GangZoneCreate - by iHaze. - 28.03.2013, 14:16
Respuesta: [SIMPLE] GangZoneCreate - by PabloDiCostanzo - 28.03.2013, 15:14
Respuesta: [SIMPLE] GangZoneCreate - by PabloDiCostanzo - 28.03.2013, 17:58
Respuesta: [SIMPLE] GangZoneCreate - by PabloDiCostanzo - 29.03.2013, 11:34
Respuesta: [SIMPLE] GangZoneCreate - by MiGu3X - 29.03.2013, 11:42

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