How not to loose interest in a SAMP project?

I'm running a stable Sa-Mp server from like 10 days, i started scripting the gamemode in January 2012, i don't even remember how much times i dropped it, for various reasons, lack of free time, lazyness etc.

I show'd the project at a friend and he liked it, i started scripting again and developed it until reaching 10k lines (still growing).

We tested, tested, tested and tested, finding bugs, fixing bugs, adding features, anticheat and more.

I don't even remember how many times i left the project, restarted, left and then restarted again.

Now we hold a server with 30/30 everyday and we've got over 3k players registered in just 10 days. (No, im not advertising, just showing you don't need to quit just because you lost interest in a project).

The point of my post is: If you like doing something, go straight forward, dont quit, you'll never know what will happen!

Best of luck.

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