Samp Ping- uncontrollable

Probably the distance to the server.
Like when the server is hosted in your country your and the server's ping will be lower rather than a server hosted at a different corner of the world.

High ping won't directly mean that you are lagging though.

Messages In This Thread
Samp Ping- uncontrollable - by VET - 27.03.2013, 15:04
Re: Samp Ping- uncontrollable - by [FSaF]Jarno - 27.03.2013, 15:08
Re: Samp Ping- uncontrollable - by 3ventic - 27.03.2013, 15:38
Re: Samp Ping- uncontrollable - by Cena44 - 27.03.2013, 16:49
Re: Samp Ping- uncontrollable - by Konstantinos - 27.03.2013, 17:17
Re: Samp Ping- uncontrollable - by Tomboeg - 27.03.2013, 21:48

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