MySQL ban status does not set to 0? Help!

Hey guys,

I made a new ban system, and decided to make a tempban aswell. The ban works, but after the persons ban finishes. He is supposed to be unban (Meaning the Ban Status should set to 0 automatically)

Here is my checkban stock which checks if the players ban time has ran out.

pawn Код:
stock CheckBan(playerid)
    new query[900], bExpiration, bID, IP[16];

    GetPlayerIp(playerid, IP, sizeof(IP));

    format(query,sizeof(query),"SELECT * FROM bans WHERE (Name  = '%s' OR IP = '%s') AND Status = '1'", GetName(playerid), IP );

    if(mysql_num_rows() >= 1)
        new bReason[128], bannedBy[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], Name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], Dialog[900], IP1[16];
            mysql_fetch_field_row(Name, "Name");
            mysql_fetch_field_row(bReason, "Reason");
            mysql_fetch_field_row(bannedBy, "BannedBy");
            mysql_fetch_field_row(IP1, "IP");
            mysql_fetch_field_row(query, "bID"); bID = strval(query);
            mysql_fetch_field_row(query, "Expiration"); bExpiration = strval(query);

            if(bExpiration > 0)
                if(gettime() >= bExpiration)
                    format(query, sizeof(query), "UPDATE bans SET Status = 0 WHERE bID = %d", bID);
                    format(Dialog, sizeof(Dialog), "{FF0000}You are banned from this server! Ban details:\n\n{FF0000}Name:{FFFFFF} %s \n{FF0000}IP:{FFFFFF} %s\n{FF0000}Reason:{FFFFFF} %s \n{FF0000}Banned By:{FFFFFF} %s\n\n{FF0000}You will be unbanned in %d hours!\n\n{FF0000}If you think this ban is unfair, you can apply for an unban appeal at our forums\n{FF0000}Note - We do not unban hackers, or people who lie in their appeal", Name, IP1, bReason, bannedBy, (bExpiration-gettime())/3600);
                    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_BAN, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{FF0000}Banned!", Dialog, "Close", "");
                format(Dialog, sizeof(Dialog), "{FF0000}You are banned from this server! Ban details:\n\n{FF0000}Name:{FFFFFF} %s \n{FF0000}IP:{FFFFFF} %s\n{FF0000}Reason:{FFFFFF} %s \n{FF0000}Banned By:{FFFFFF} %s\n\n{FF0000}If you think this ban is unfair, you can apply for an unban appeal at our forums\n{FF0000}Note - We do not unban hackers, or people who lie in their appeal", Name, IP1, bReason, bannedBy);
                ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_BAN, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{FF0000}Banned!", Dialog, "Close", "");
        return 1;
    return 0;
See here, after the ban time runs out, it is supposed to set the Ban Status to 0 meaning the player is unbanned, but it is not doing that..

pawn Код:
if(bExpiration > 0)
                if(gettime() >= bExpiration)
                    format(query, sizeof(query), "UPDATE bans SET Status = 0 WHERE bID = %d", bID);
                    format(Dialog, sizeof(Dialog), "{FF0000}You are banned from this server! Ban details:\n\n{FF0000}Name:{FFFFFF} %s \n{FF0000}IP:{FFFFFF} %s\n{FF0000}Reason:{FFFFFF} %s \n{FF0000}Banned By:{FFFFFF} %s\n\n{FF0000}You will be unbanned in %d hours!\n\n{FF0000}If you think this ban is unfair, you can apply for an unban appeal at our forums\n{FF0000}Note - We do not unban hackers, or people who lie in their appeal", Name, IP1, bReason, bannedBy, (bExpiration-gettime())/3600);
                    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_BAN, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{FF0000}Banned!", Dialog, "Close", "");
                format(Dialog, sizeof(Dialog), "{FF0000}You are banned from this server! Ban details:\n\n{FF0000}Name:{FFFFFF} %s \n{FF0000}IP:{FFFFFF} %s\n{FF0000}Reason:{FFFFFF} %s \n{FF0000}Banned By:{FFFFFF} %s\n\n{FF0000}If you think this ban is unfair, you can apply for an unban appeal at our forums\n{FF0000}Note - We do not unban hackers, or people who lie in their appeal", Name, IP1, bReason, bannedBy);
                ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_BAN, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{FF0000}Banned!", Dialog, "Close", "");
I don't see anything wrong in the script, but it is not unbanning me. I really hope you can help me through this tough situation.


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