25.03.2013, 12:13
You know you can just do "printf" and the text will be formatted and logged, right?
If I do that what the file name will be?
With this you can set the file name and you can add a "Comment"
Look at the source code:
pawn Код:
#include < a_samp >
#include < YSI\y_va >
#if defined _ServerLogs_included
#define _ServerLogs_included
#define LogExist fexist
stock WriteInLog( const Log_File[ ], Log_Com[ ], Log_Par[ ], va_args< > )
if( !LogExist( Log_File ) )
File:File_Rk = fopen( Log_File, io_write )
fclose( File_Rk );
rGz_iSTRG[ 300 ], rYear, rHour,
rQz_iSTRG[ 100 ], rMonth, rMinute,
rYz_iSTRG[ 300 ], rDay, rSecond,
rTz_iSTRG[ 300 ]
va_format( rTz_iSTRG, sizeof( rTz_iSTRG ), Log_Par, va_start< 3 > );
getdate( rYear, rMonth, rDay );
gettime( rHour, rMinute, rSecond );
format( rQz_iSTRG, 100, "COMMENT: %s\r\n", Log_Com );
format( rGz_iSTRG, 300, "(%d/%d/%d)[%02d:%02d:%d] %s\r\n\n", rDay, rMonth, rYear, rHour, rMinute , rSecond, rTz_iSTRG );
strcat( rQz_iSTRG, rGz_iSTRG );
strcat( rYz_iSTRG, rQz_iSTRG );
new File:File_r = fopen( Log_File, io_append );
fwrite( File_r, rYz_iSTRG );
fclose( File_r );
return 1;
stock DeleteLog( const Log_File[ ] )
if( !LogExist( Log_File ) )
printf("This log doesn't exist.");
return 0;
fremove( Log_File );
return 1;