[Map] Edited Small house/ Rodeo Delership

Your car dealership reminds me a lot of a car show. Looks quite nice. And the house mapping just goes really well. Nice job. I give it 9/10.

Oh, and can't forget the rep ;3.

Messages In This Thread
Edited Small house/ Rodeo Delership- Mapped By Sachin - by coolspecial21 - 25.03.2013, 05:00
Re: Edited Small house/ Rodeo Delership - by CallumCasso - 25.03.2013, 05:32
Re: Edited Small house/ Rodeo Delership - by Travis The Tiger - 25.03.2013, 10:42
Re: Edited Small house/ Rodeo Delership - by DyduShxD - 25.03.2013, 10:51

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