How should i fill in this MySQL?

I'm not sure how to fill in the MySQL information into my gamemode, so i will give you all the information i have with my MySQL database and we'll see if you can fill it in for me correctly.

I want to use the Database "8081_objects" - The password to my database is "Hello123" (not really)
This is a photo of my current database information. (I'm using Volt-Host MySQL)

Below is what i currently have filled into my gamemode, which doesn't work because when i try to use the database in-game, the dialog closes and nothing happens, which is a sign the database doesn't work.

PHP код:
#define SQL_HOST                     ""
#define SQL_USER                 "8081_objects"
#define SQL_PASS                 "hello123" //Not real
#define SQL_DB                          "8081_objects" 

Messages In This Thread
How should i fill in this MySQL? - by Eminem 2ka9 - 24.03.2013, 16:59
Re: How should i fill in this MySQL? - by Vince - 24.03.2013, 17:10
Re: How should i fill in this MySQL? - by Eminem 2ka9 - 24.03.2013, 17:21
Re: How should i fill in this MySQL? - by Eminem 2ka9 - 24.03.2013, 17:46

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