strcmp to zcmd help!

pawn Код:
CMD:gfix(playerid, params[])
       return cmd_garagefix(playerid, params);
I'm not sure if that's what you're trying to do. But he explaisn it on his thread, which can be found at this link.

Messages In This Thread
strcmp to zcmd help! - by Yves - 23.03.2013, 22:41
Re: strcmp to zcmd help! - by rangerxxll - 23.03.2013, 22:43
Re: strcmp to zcmd help! - by Yves - 23.03.2013, 22:45
Re: strcmp to zcmd help! - by Eminem 2ka9 - 23.03.2013, 22:51
Re: strcmp to zcmd help! - by rangerxxll - 23.03.2013, 22:52
Re: strcmp to zcmd help! - by Yves - 23.03.2013, 23:02

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