Huge Problem

Okay now...

I got a problem,huge problem,it's about Gamemode...

Well now,i was updating my gamemode (commands),i wanted to test it out,and yes finally something good IT WORKS.
I wanted to test it again with some server's Beta testers.
And NO,any command which is in ' Gamemode ' just wont work,NOTHING at all.

There's no Errors just couple warnings about some typical things. (DON'T ASK FOR IT PLEASE,IT'S NOT THE

Please i need help im using ' strcmp ' NOTHING ELSE! (ALSO CHECKED)

Guys i need your help,i also tried to find some similar problems,and nope nothing helped me.

Thanks,Nick. <3

Messages In This Thread
Huge Problem - by NickHaudMTA - 23.03.2013, 18:17
Re: Huge Problem - by Misiur - 23.03.2013, 18:51

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