23.03.2013, 16:22
oops, i forgot to mention that you need to add the alpha values ><
long story short: add a 00 to each color value, like 0xff3333 becomes 0xff333300.
the color array from above again:
the format is RRGGBBAA, the added 2 digits "00" left-shift the value, so the color channels are ok now ^^
long story short: add a 00 to each color value, like 0xff3333 becomes 0xff333300.
the color array from above again:
pawn Код:
new RedWhiteBlue[]={0xff000000,0xff333300,0xff666600,0xff999900,0xffcccc00,0xffffff00,0xffffff00,0xccccff00,0x9999ff00,0x6666ff00,0x3333ff00,0x0000ff00};