22.03.2013, 18:03
Server Commands: Normal Players : Code:
/admins ==> see online admins. /b ======> Access to weapon shop. /s ======> to put on the shield //for tactical only. /givegun [id] => Give your armed gun to the nearest player Trusted Player : Code:
/kick [id] [reason] ==> kick the player. /cc ======> Clear the chat. /ad ======> Duty on it appears in /admins that he is on duty. Moderator: Code:
/goto [id]==>go to the player's position. /mute ======> mute the player for 10min. Administrator: Code:
/cban [id] [reason]==>account ban the player , so he cannot connect again with the banned account. Head Admin(Co-Owner): Code:
/accountban [PLAYERNAME]==>ban a disconnected player. Owner: Code:
/makeadmin [id] [level 0-4]==>invite a player to the administration |