[GameMode] S.W.A.T Vs Terrorists Server[TDM basic]


I scripted this basic gamemode for weeks , so I decided to release it to help new/advanced scripters, or just for SA-MP players to enjoy it . it is a basic TDM gamemode, there are two teams , terrorists have to plant the bomb & swat must kill them or defuse the bomb.

Server Features:

+Register & Login system with dialogs.
+Map change system.
+Map change textDraw.
+Welcome TextDraw.
+two teams SWAT & Terrorists.
+Basic admin commands.
+Login timer (60secondes). 
+Bombs planting and defusing textdraws.
+Terrorists can plant the bomb in the last 100Secondes in each map.
+If a bomb is defused terrorists can't plant it again.
+Buy System.
+Add Level+Respect system.
+Add Level & respect & health TextDraw.
+Displaying the number of connected players.
+/Accountban [PlayerName] [reason] for disconnected players.
+/givegun command(to nearest players only).
+Display Top player in the current round+(textdraw).
S.W.A.T Team classes:
+class1:Swat agent
+class2: Teaser
-Can taze players for 6 seconds , the tazer take 20sec to be charged
+class3:Tactical Team
-command /s to put shield on(6sec) use it every 10sec)
-Make -20damage with SMG
+class4: Fast Response Team
-make -25damage with M4
-have a weapon attached in their back.
+class5:The wolves Team
+class6:Commandos Team
Terrorists Team classes:
Advanced Terrorist (3000Xp+level2
Special Timer Terrorist (7500Xp+level3)
Bomb master Terrorist (10000Xp+level4)
Pro Bomb Terrorist(15000Xp+level5)
Bomb Maker (18000Xp+level6)
NB: no features for the terrorists , but you can add some. as I said it is basic.

Server Commands:
Normal Players :
/admins ==> see online admins.
/b ======> Access to weapon shop.
/s ======> to put on the shield //for tactical only.
/givegun [id] => Give your armed gun to the nearest player
Trusted Player :
/kick [id] [reason] ==> kick the player.
/cc ======> Clear the chat.
/ad ======> Duty on it appears in /admins that he is on duty.
/goto [id]==>go to the player's position.
/mute ======> mute the player for 10min.
/cban [id] [reason]==>account ban the player , so he cannot connect again with the banned account.
Head Admin(Co-Owner):
/accountban [PLAYERNAME]==>ban a disconnected player.
/makeadmin [id] [level 0-4]==>invite a player to the administration
-Credits to SA-MP team everything.
-Credits to creator of Dini & dutils.
-Credits to Denying & for any scripter gave me help.

Full Package

info : the Welcome textdraw is hidden after 5+ seconds when spawning

Messages In This Thread
S.W.A.T Vs Terrorists Server[TDM-RP] with MapChange - by Saw® - 20.03.2013, 13:08
Re: S.W.A.T Vs Terrorists Server[TDM basic] - by _J0ykiLl3r_ - 20.03.2013, 13:23
Re: S.W.A.T Vs Terrorists Server[TDM basic] - by Saw® - 20.03.2013, 19:17
Re: S.W.A.T Vs Terrorists Server[TDM basic] - by MehranGta - 20.03.2013, 19:23
Re: S.W.A.T Vs Terrorists Server[TDM basic] - by Saw® - 20.03.2013, 19:27
Re: S.W.A.T Vs Terrorists Server[TDM basic] - by mehdi01 - 22.03.2013, 17:24
Re: S.W.A.T Vs Terrorists Server[TDM basic] - by bensmart469 - 22.03.2013, 17:28
Re: S.W.A.T Vs Terrorists Server[TDM basic] - by mehdi01 - 22.03.2013, 17:42
Re: S.W.A.T Vs Terrorists Server[TDM basic] - by Saw® - 22.03.2013, 17:53
Re: S.W.A.T Vs Terrorists Server[TDM basic] - by mehdi01 - 22.03.2013, 17:56
Re: S.W.A.T Vs Terrorists Server[TDM basic] - by mehdi01 - 22.03.2013, 17:59
Re: S.W.A.T Vs Terrorists Server[TDM-RP] - by Saw® - 22.03.2013, 18:03
Re: S.W.A.T Vs Terrorists Server[TDM basic] - by mehdi01 - 22.03.2013, 18:07
Re: S.W.A.T Vs Terrorists Server[TDM basic] - by Saw® - 22.03.2013, 18:14
Re: S.W.A.T Vs Terrorists Server[TDM basic] - by mehdi01 - 22.03.2013, 18:27
Re: S.W.A.T Vs Terrorists Server[TDM basic] - by mehdi01 - 22.03.2013, 18:30
Re: S.W.A.T Vs Terrorists Server[TDM basic] - by _J0ykiLl3r_ - 23.03.2013, 10:21
Re: S.W.A.T Vs Terrorists Server[TDM basic] - by Lucky™ - 05.05.2013, 15:36
Re: S.W.A.T Vs Terrorists Server[TDM basic] - by J4mmyHD - 05.05.2013, 19:02
Re: S.W.A.T Vs Terrorists Server[TDM basic] - by ALIN^^ - 06.05.2013, 17:36
Re: S.W.A.T Vs Terrorists Server[TDM basic] - by dany2002 - 02.06.2013, 10:23
Re: S.W.A.T Vs Terrorists Server[TDM basic] - by xser12 - 02.06.2013, 23:01
Re: S.W.A.T Vs Terrorists Server[TDM basic] - by xganyx - 03.06.2013, 03:05
Re: S.W.A.T Vs Terrorists Server[TDM basic] - by xganyx - 03.06.2013, 03:09
Re: S.W.A.T Vs Terrorists Server[TDM basic] - by Saw® - 20.10.2013, 11:48
Re: S.W.A.T Vs Terrorists Server[TDM basic] - by Awaisali - 13.12.2017, 04:31
Re: S.W.A.T Vs Terrorists Server[TDM basic] - by DonaldDuck - 13.12.2017, 05:41

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