How to Roleplay(For new people)

Okay so RPing isn't as hard as it looks. The commands might be a bit different in each server, But that's about it. Most servers don't allow you to use "Un-Roleplay" Names such as..-Future_Criminal. Most Roleplay servers expect easy simple names like.. Vinny_Anderson.

Some OOC Knowledge the expect you to know..
Almost all Roleplay servers have factions and such more. Most factions you need to take a roleplay and OOC (Out Of Character) Test. The OOC Test will mostly contain simple RP knowledge. Here are some definitions of OOC RP Knowledge.
DeathMatching(DM) - Killing someone without a valid Roleplay reason. This rule counts for almost all servers, No one wants to be DMed. It gets annoying.
Roleplaying(RP) - Taking a role, And playing it. You act like you act in real life. If you do not roleplay, You most likely will suffer the servers consequences. For example..- Being jailed,Kicked,Fined, Or even frozen.
In Character(IC) - Information and everything else that is only involving your Character. You're characters driving,skills,shooting,eating & drinking. And even playing with other characters.
Out Of Character(OOC) - Things and information that involve you in real life. There will be things that will let you talk OOC in an IC situation.. Such as using )) at the end of your OOC sentence. Here is an example of talking OOC to someone(Make sure you do /b to talk OOC) - /b Hey, Are you getting on skype soon?. And to talk OOC in an IC situation, You MUST do )). Ex - Hey, Are you getting on skype soon? ))
MetaGaming(MG) - Talking OOC in an IC situation. This is forbidden in almost ALL servers. If you MG, You will suffer consequences.
PowerGaming(PG) - Doing something that cannot be done in real life. For example - /me turns into iron man.-Blowing up the universe.
RevengeKill(RK) - Killing someone that recently killed you to get revenge.
KillingOnSight(KOS) - This is associated with DMing. Randomly killing everyone you see. Or in you're sight.
CarRaming(CK, But there are other meanings for CK) - Attempting to physically hurt, Kill, Or just knock them down. This is a form of Non-rp.

Easy ways to Roleplay..
Using /me and /do to show your actions. Here's a good example of a little RP..- /me looks around.-Keeping one eyebrow higher than the other. /me reaches his right hand out to his right pocket.-Withdrawing a cigarette. /me places the cigarette to their lips.-Lighting the cigarette. /do You hear the lighter go off. /me takes a big puff. /do I would be coughing.
That's just simple RP. That could have been turned into anything, And more detail could have been added.

I hope this guide helped you new people out!
- If you have further questions on how to Roleplay or anything, Feel free to send me a PM.

Messages In This Thread
How to Roleplay(For new people) - by BreezyLyve - 19.03.2013, 19:27
Re: How to Roleplay(For new people) - by Scenario - 19.03.2013, 19:36
Re: How to Roleplay(For new people) - by Blast3r - 19.03.2013, 19:53
Re: How to Roleplay(For new people) - by BreezyLyve - 19.03.2013, 20:07
Re: How to Roleplay(For new people) - by Wennicke - 19.03.2013, 20:54
Re: How to Roleplay(For new people) - by Vince - 23.08.2017, 15:32
Re: How to Roleplay(For new people) - by Paulice - 23.08.2017, 15:35
Re: How to Roleplay(For new people) - by cuber - 23.08.2017, 17:08
Re: How to Roleplay(For new people) - by rt-2 - 29.08.2017, 00:28
Re: How to Roleplay(For new people) - by Paulice - 29.08.2017, 02:16

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