Need help with houses / house cars

I have two problems. The first one is:
How can I make vehicles so they can only be driven by certain players, like if they appear locked to other players?
Someone already told me about SetVehicleParamsForPlayer, and I tried to do that, but I failed. If you have another idea please tell it, if you're sure I'm suposed to use SetVehicleParamsForPlayer, please post an example so I can see how to do it.

The second question is:
In multiplayer, the safehouses from single-player, are open for everyone(safehouses, Madd Dog's Mansion for example, 24/7, etc). How can I remove their entrances? I know it's possible because I've already seen servers without those entrances, but I don't know how to do it.

Thanks in advance,

Messages In This Thread
Need help with houses / house cars - by Wheels - 06.03.2009, 01:53
Re: Need help with houses / house cars - by ICECOLDKILLAK8 - 06.03.2009, 02:22
Re: Need help with houses / house cars - by FrazZ - 06.03.2009, 02:28
Re: Need help with houses / house cars - by ICECOLDKILLAK8 - 06.03.2009, 02:29
Re: Need help with houses / house cars - by Wheels - 06.03.2009, 02:30
Re: Need help with houses / house cars - by ICECOLDKILLAK8 - 06.03.2009, 02:32
Re: Need help with houses / house cars - by Wheels - 06.03.2009, 02:36
Re: Need help with houses / house cars - by [RP]Rav - 06.03.2009, 06:21
Re: Need help with houses / house cars - by FrazZ - 06.03.2009, 23:03

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