16.03.2013, 14:09
Последний раз редактировалось nGen.SoNNy; 28.03.2013 в 12:03.

Version: v2.0
- SoNNy
- Zeex [zcmd.inc]
- ****** [foreach.inc]
- .iSteam [hs_logo]
Please Comment about this funny filterscript
Harlem Shake Console:

Harlem Shake Commands:

Harlem Shake Credits:

pawn Код:
// This Harlem Shake Mode is builded by SoNNy and it's made just for FUN !
// Please keep the credits and don't make other mirrors !
// Name: SoNNy's Harlem Shake Mode
// Version: 1.0 [ Beta ]
// Release Date: [ 16 / 03 / 2013 ]
// CMD: playhsall INFO: Play Harlem Shake for all players! [ ONLY RCON ]
// CMD: playhsplayer INFO: Play Harlem Shake just for one player! [ Any player can use this CMD ]
// CMD: stophsall INFO: Stop Harlem Shake for all players! [ ONLY RCON ]
// CMD: stophsplayer INFO: Stop Harlem Shake just for one player! [ Any player can use this CMD ]
// CMD: hscredits INFO: Harlem Shake Script Credits!
// CMD: hshelp INFO: Open harlem Shake Info Dialog!
// CMD: hsconsole INFO: Open Harlem Shake Console! [ ONLY RCON ]
• Version v2.0 - Animation Update ! • Added 4 random dance animations for each player, that means 2 players for eg. will play 2 different animation ! • This system can now play harlem shake and apply the dance animation too for all players or just for one !
"Download" - Version v2.0 [ Recommended ]
"Download" - Version v1.0 [ LINK DELETED ]