LuxAdmin Admin Chat?

Originally Posted by Tass007
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But i want them all in the same
not all combined how would i make each one by itself?
Are you looking towards an OnPlayerText type of admin chat such as: "Player 1: [A.Chat] . Hi" where teh player uses a "." for his chat. Or do you want a command based chat sys where the admin uses "/a Hi" to chat.

Messages In This Thread
LuxAdmin Admin Chat? - by Tass007 - 15.03.2013, 23:30
Re: LuxAdmin Admin Chat? - by kamzaf - 15.03.2013, 23:34
Re: LuxAdmin Admin Chat? - by Tass007 - 15.03.2013, 23:39
Re: LuxAdmin Admin Chat? - by kamzaf - 15.03.2013, 23:42
Re: LuxAdmin Admin Chat? - by Tass007 - 15.03.2013, 23:42
Re: LuxAdmin Admin Chat? - by kamzaf - 15.03.2013, 23:51
Re: LuxAdmin Admin Chat? - by Tass007 - 15.03.2013, 23:55
Re: LuxAdmin Admin Chat? - by Tass007 - 16.03.2013, 01:14
Re: LuxAdmin Admin Chat? - by Tass007 - 16.03.2013, 02:42

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