05.03.2009, 13:10
Hi, Dear Scripters, can you make 1 cool filterscript?? The filterscript i need is the 10 level filterscript but its player level for 1,000,000 can buy 1st level and can use /count command (the player is starting a count from 5 to 0) Then 2nd level cost 2,000,000$ and can use command /flip (flip players vehicle) 3rd level cost 3,000,000 and can use command /repair (Repair players vehicle) 4th level cost 4,000,000$ and can use command /jp (give player jetpack) 5th level cost 5,000,000$ and can use command /hp (restore players Health to 100%) 6th level cost 6,000,000$ and can use command /ramp (make a ramp in front of themselves) 7th level costs 7,000,000$ and can use command /pjobs (tune a player car with paintjobs) 8th level costs 8,000,000$ and can use command /weapon (give player weapon-UZI) 9th level costs 9,000,000$ and can use command /ip (look players ip) 10th level costs 10,000,000$ and can use command /ban (everybody knows what it means) And /savelvl command (to save player level) forever saves in text file. Please make it. I really need it. Please |
/ramps command to http://forum.sa-mp.com/index.php?topic=41866.0
/kick to http://forum.sa-mp.com/index.php?topic=90882.0
/ip to http://forum.sa-mp.com/index.php?topic=50627.0
/ban to open this gates:
CreateObject(16773, -1898.238892, -1671.177979, 22.864832, 0.0000, 0.0000, 89.3814);//closed
CreateObject(16773, -1898.253662, -1672.676270, 17.414892, 0.0000, 0.0000, 89.3814);//opened
With open and close password "/gatesz2568"
The pastebin is HERE !