Switching ISPs

Originally Posted by WeeDarr
We upgraded to 8mb on bt but if you test it you hardly get that, my uncle works with bt and he said because so many people had upgraded there was more bandwith being used so we would have been better off staying with what we had.

I've noticed, the max we get from BT is 5MB (or just over if we're lucky). We're going to call them tomorrow to try and get a MAC code while they try and persuade us to stay. Thanks for the reply.

Originally Posted by RoBo

If your line is good enough, else Virgin Media.
Be is available in our area, has been for nearly a year I think. I've heard Be is good and we're probably going to try them out.
I just wanted to see which ISPs people thought were the best.

Messages In This Thread
Switching ISPs - by Kieren - 04.03.2009, 15:21
Re: Switching ISPs - by TrueCoppa - 04.03.2009, 16:44
Re: Switching ISPs - by Kieren - 04.03.2009, 17:41
Re: Switching ISPs - by weedarr - 04.03.2009, 18:07
Re: Switching ISPs - by RoBo - 04.03.2009, 18:23
Re: Switching ISPs - by Kieren - 04.03.2009, 18:29

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