I cant load armory equipment

Is there any differance between the IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint and PlayerToPoint? Like, When i use IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint i must stand on the icon for the command to work, but if i use PlayerToPoint is it enough that im close to the point?

Messages In This Thread
I cant load armory equipment - by Don_Cage - 12.03.2013, 18:30
Re: I cant load armory equipment - by Ballu Miaa - 12.03.2013, 18:42
Re: I cant load armory equipment - by Don_Cage - 12.03.2013, 18:51
Re: I cant load armory equipment - by Don_Cage - 12.03.2013, 19:37
Re: I cant load armory equipment - by SchurmanCQC - 12.03.2013, 19:40

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